Thursday, February 7, 2013

What do you think?

 It seems this was overlooked. Lets get a discussion going here...

Assignment 2
Since we have no projects right now, it would be a good time to think about and maybe work on our identity! A name and a logo, seems to be a good place to start. In the past we have just gone with DDM Design Studio. We can keep with that or come up with something new.We can keep the name, or change the logo. We can change the name and keep the logo, or adjust it to fit a new name. We can leave it all as is too. Give it some think about it, and write them here as comments to this post.

Post your thoughts or design ideas as comments to this post.

 Click HERE to see what an identity standards manual is.

BTY... Lets use our Google accounts to comments here. Just easier for everyone to know who they are talking to.


    1. If we are to change the Name/Logo, what references do we have that is available for us to work with? would it be that billboard/s that is near the room entrance, or are there more that we don't know about?

      1. Not sure exactly what your asking. We need to decide on what to do with the identity design before we can put it somewhere like a billboard.

        Lemon Curry!?

      2. what i was referring to was the information billboard about the degree program with the DDM logo that is near the sink in the lab. the CMYK logo with the words DDM on it? ring any bells?

      3. Ok. Your getting ahead of us. When we talk about identity we are talking about the look, or visual image a company, organization, group, etc. Things like the logo, colors, typeface, etc. An established look to how we design things like billboards, posters, signs, websites, etc. Its an established look and feel to anything we anything we design to promote our selves or has our name on it. This ranges from the logo itself to choosing a specific type face and even paper that is always used. If we were an actual business this would be spelled out in a book called a standards manual, or a graphic standards, or guidelines manual.

        I will add a link up there in the original post. that will explain it. If you google standards manual you can see some that are posted on the web too.

    2. I like the possibility of creating a new logo just for the fact that it would be something new. Nothing dramatic but maybe some tweeks? Will try to come up with some ideas!

    3. So you want to build and refine what we have over creating something new?

      1. Yes... the logo is already well established & doesn't need to be changed dramatically. Just some tweeks, specifically the black circle DDM logo. Maybe a change in the font? That's my suggestion.

    4. Making something all new isn't a good idea. GAG and DDM are solid names but we could try a new logo.

    5. Good reasoning... lets see what the others thinks.

    6. The name should stay. A lot of people already know us as GAG or DDM. We already have members of the Student Senate that we have done previous work with. Students that have left and can refer back to. So the only thing left is to recreate the logo.

    7. So your going with revising the logo in someway?

      As for people already knowing us... the thing is, while any money donated through our work does go to GAG. This is not actually GAG, and GAG is not practicum, even though we are all members, technically we are separate entities. This is the practicum class. That's not to say we can't use GAG or DDM as our logo. We can. We can also chose to revise what was used in the past, or give our selves a facelift, or create a completely new identity, or we can keep everything as it is. Its up to you guys to decide.

      So... what we have so far seems to be a consensus no one seems to be interested in a completely new identity, or new logo, etc. You are all saying that a facelift is a good idea. Correct?

      If you don't agree then explain your position.

    8. Well a facelift is one way, but a new logo sounds good too. I can't recall a logo for DDM. At least one that was on display.

    9. I will try to find the old logo in the a.m. and post it.

      Danielle, if you don't understand something you need to be more specific. What don't you understand? Why are you lost?

    10. Have we been talking about both the GAG & DDM logos from the beginning?

      Because I thought we were only focusing on the DDM logo & name?

      For the DDM logo... I think a simple change in the font would be pretty refreshing.

      As for the GAG font, that should be left as is.

    11. Sorry about my confusion for that moment. So we are making a logo and basic guidelines for our group (Independent studies???) Rather than using GAG or DDM's logos we are trying to make our own logo as a group?!
      Or were we talking about refining or remaking either GAG or DDM's logo and put down a basic guideline (identity standard manual.)

      That's what I was lost on.

      If its refining/remaking the DDM logo then I think it would be interesting but hard. It doesn't really seem like we use the DDM logo very often. More like we use the GAG logo a lot and we tend to change the logo every other semester. It would be good to make an identity standard manual for GAG.

    12. I am sticking to staying with the name of the DDM but change the logo.

      I would like to have a new GAG logo.

      We will be making our own individual logos as a designer for like a business card.

      In all, all the names should stay the same, and new logos for DDM and GAG but that should be reserved for GAG members. Even a change in font or color would be a change.

    13. Again, from above, Feb. 9...

      "the thing is, while any money donated through our work does go to GAG. This is not actually GAG, and GAG is not practicum, even though we are all members, technically we are separate entities. This is the practicum class. That's not to say we can't use GAG or DDM as our logo. We can. We can also chose to revise what was used in the past, or give our selves a facelift, or create a completely new identity, or we can keep everything as it is. Its up to you guys to decide."

    14. The point of this discussion is to decide what WE (you) would like to do. So far the choices are to

      a. make a new identity for the practicum class
      b. use the DDM logo
      c. use the GAG logo
      d. revise the DDM logo and use it
      e. Revise the GAG logo and use it

      We are not changing what is used by GAG, DDM, or anyone else. Only our for us and for the practicum class.

    15. You either give us another option, chose one of the above, AND explain your reasoning.

    16. So you are wanting us to make a logo for PRACTICUM? And not a new one for DDM nor GAG? A Logo for the class and not to be used outside the classroom? Kind of like a class/rank for each class. For instance; a pen and brush logo for illustration class, a ruler and exacto knife for page layout, or a video camera for a digital video class? These were just examples.

    17. If the idea is that we do not publicly use the revised logo, i think it would be a good exercise for us to revise the logo for both the DDM and GAG. to help us understand what it really takes to revise a new logo. However, the identity with the past logos is what ties all the classes/clubs together, that's what should be more important and at hand with what the revisions should be with the logos. Revisions should be a much more practical way rather than starting anew. The revisions should not be drastic, but like Kim said, simple tweaks that will give a new look for DDM. I think what the majority of us are saying is this, we want to make simple revisions to the present logos and not full new updates.

    18. Oh... I see. In the email on participating in a blog I left something off -- 'e'.

      e. You need to actually read the previous posts so that you understand and add to the conversation rather than repeating the same thing over and over.

    19. Yes. ALL of he previous posts. Start with the original 'The Assignment' (suggesting that you are getting a grade for this) to the end.

    20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    21. So... the name "DDM Design Studio" was actually the name that dealt with the Practicum people?

      All this time I thought we were talking about DDM overall with the black circle logo that's pictured above. But since DDM & GAG are described as different "entities"... what was the logo for the "DDM Design Studio"?
