Wednesday, February 27, 2013

New Pages

There are 2 new pages added to the right >>>>
DDM Logo and Applied Tech Banner. Post your designs there on those pages.

Everyone should have a DDM logo by the end of next week March 6.
Everyone should have a banner design by March 13.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New rates for Adobe Cloud. You get the full Adobe Suit now for $19.00 a month, I believe Lightroom is included. If your interested them to make sure.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

GAG email


Re-Design Applied Tech's Banner.

Go over to Gurly Hall and walk down the hall past the Art dept follow the hall around till you get to the stairs. There is a banner hanging over it. We need to redesign, or rather 'Design' it. The copy is to stay the same.

This will be a job for the Vinyl Cutter. So Illustrator, solid colors, try to stick to 2 colors (3 at the most). School colors; black, red, and/or turquoise.

This is not a rush job. Try to post some ideas by next friday.

DON'T FORGET OUR CONVERSATION BELOW! Decision, needs to be made friday or before.

Continued What Do You Think...

Lets see if this works better. If it keeps loosing comments let me know.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

What do you think?

 It seems this was overlooked. Lets get a discussion going here...

Assignment 2
Since we have no projects right now, it would be a good time to think about and maybe work on our identity! A name and a logo, seems to be a good place to start. In the past we have just gone with DDM Design Studio. We can keep with that or come up with something new.We can keep the name, or change the logo. We can change the name and keep the logo, or adjust it to fit a new name. We can leave it all as is too. Give it some think about it, and write them here as comments to this post.

Post your thoughts or design ideas as comments to this post.

 Click HERE to see what an identity standards manual is.

BTY... Lets use our Google accounts to comments here. Just easier for everyone to know who they are talking to.

    Tuesday, February 5, 2013


    Thank you Rylen!!! 

    YES! We need blogs here to!

    You all know what to do... get doing it!

    GAG Meeting will be postponed till next week. Same time, same place, same rules.

    See ya then!

    Saturday, February 2, 2013

    First GAG Meeting for Spring Semester:
    This Wednesday, Feb 6th at 2 pm
    DDM Class Studio/Lab

    This should be a GREAT year for GAG! There are a lot of events coming up in our area and a lot for us to do. We also now have over $2000 in our account to do them.
    Who MUST ATTEND...
    Anyone expecting to get a degree in DDM are required to attend this and all meetings and participate in activities... the only exception is if you have a class or work at the time of the meeting or activity. (Work = a paid employee and scheduled to work at that time.) You can NOT miss classes for GAG meetings or activities (except field trips).  If you miss a meeting or event you are required to communicate with the officers, committees, or other members to find what happened at the meetings and how you can participate in any activities if they are planed.

    If you are in Intro to Graphic Design (DDM 101) or Intro to Mac (DDM 110), or if you are just taking DDM classes as electives like Photography or video, your are welcome, and encouraged to attend and be a member of GAG but it is not required.

    What is GAG?
    GAG stands for Graphic Arts Group. Currently we are loosely affiliated with AIGA, American Institute of Graphic Design(click here for student member ship page, membership not required at this time). This is one of the issues that we will be discussing at future meetings. Basically, our group is about helping us learn more about the field of graphic arts (graphic design, photography, illustration, animation, video, etc.), help us as students to participate in and travel to events related to our field, and get to know each other and begin to developed a professional network for our selves to help us once we have graduated.

    We need Officers: (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.). Ideally officers students who are in or have taken at least Page Layout I.

    Added incentive for being an officer... 
    Positive - You will receive extra credit at the end of the semester in any of my classes.
    Positive -  I can promise you that this is a GREAT opportunity to add strengthen your resume, and will help you get a job after you graduate. 
    Negitive - We will loose all that money that you have all worked so hard to get if we don't have officers by the end of the meeting.

    Note: If you are interested in being an officer but can not attended the meeting contact; Michelle (, or Rylen (


    Hello, and WELCOME to 2013's Practicum Class Blog!

    This class is designed to give you a start in professional work and practices in the field of graphic arts. We will be doing real projects for real clients here, and will try to work as if we are a bouquet arts studio (small design business). Most of the time we will be doing work for the school but we may do some for outside clients as well.
    At the moment we have no projects on the calendar, so we have no assignments yet. I emphasis YET, as when they come we need to get on them, and out the door (so to speak) as soon as possible. Sometimes there will be a very short deadlines, so be prepared. You will get the assignments and most all info for the class here. So SIGN UP FOR EMIL NOTIFICATIONS OVER THERE >>> where it says 'Follow by Email'.

    Assignment 1
    Send an email from your Gmail account... the subject is to be: Practicum. Your name is to be in the body. This is very simple, send as directed.
    • Due: As soon as you read this.
    Assignment 2
    Since we have no projects right now, it would be a good time to think about and maybe work on our identity! A name and a logo, seems to be a good place to start. In the past we have just gone with DDM Design Studio. We can keep with that or come up with something new.We can keep the name, or change the logo. We can change the name and keep the logo, or adjust it to fit a new name. We can leave it all as is too. Give it some think about it, and write them here as comments to this post.
    • Due: Friday Yes. you have to share your thoughts. There are no wrong answers except not saying anything.

    Finding Projects:
    This is not part of the class, and you are not required find work for us to do. However, some students in the past have and it has worked out well. If you come across a project that you think would be good for us to do, or want to look for some you are welcome to do so. Check with me before you make any promises! Most of the time the answer is yes, but we do have some constraints as to what we can and can't work on. As a rule community events, organizations, UNM stuff, tribal stuff, etc are usually fine, professional folks are where things get into some gray areas. If you should talk to someone about us doing a project, do not tell them that it is free, we work for donations to GAG so that we can attend professional graphic art events and buy equipment.